Friday, May 11, 2012

It's a marathon

I've been cleaning my house today, which always gets my mind going 90 miles an hour. As I go from room to room I keep compiling lists of things I need to get and projects I need to accomplish. My ideas are endless. Then somewhere in the madhouse of my mind, a still quiet voice speaks... "it's a marathon, Leslie, not a sprint."
I needed to hear that. I get so caught up in what's next that I have forget to enjoy what I have now. We went 9 months living with my parents and not having a space of our own, I have a lot of pent of decorating to get out. But I also have to remember to just enjoy my new house.
I need to take a lesson from my kids. They are so grateful to be back in our own home. They have no problem relaxing. Yesterday, my 8 year old called me on it by saying, "You are too worried about hanging your pictures to help me," oh out of the mouths of babes. So I am going to try and be more present. I am going to enjoy the journey of this house and not just obsess about the final outcome. I hope you all have a fantastic weekend, try to sit back and just enjoy it for a few minutes.

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